Water, Water Everywhere.
18th September 2016
What a wonderful week! An Indian summer decided to make an appearance this week with record breaking sunshine which sent temperatures soaring. There was a snap decision that needed to be made and I stepped up: ‘Switch the sprinklers on at playtime!’. The joy that such a simple request met with was immeasurable and children lined up on the field in eager anticipation to run across and leap the fountains of water sparkling in the sunshine. There was laughter everywhere as new games were invented on the spot, Children holding hands and jumping, others jumping forward then backwards in the hope of getting just a little bit wetter! Physical Education at its best!
Meanwhile over in the Nursery we filled the water troughs with measuring cups activating water wheel cogs and we also enjoyed our brand new Water Wall. Sun hats were compulsory and the children enjoyed making their own versions of ‘Incey Wincey Spider’ as the brightly coloured watering cans sent water shooting along the angled drainpipes. Unparalleled opportunities for Physical Development.
Although plenty of water had been consumed at Break Time and in the Dining Hall, a bell signalled ‘sprinkler off’ whilst a table full of fresh cups of water was hastily installed so that our energetic youngsters could enjoy a mandatory additional cup of water in amongst all the fun. Water really was everywhere!
Annie Thackray