
Welcome to the Exciting World of Reception at St Christopher’s!

At St Christopher’s, our Reception Curriculum is designed to build upon the foundations laid in our Nursery and Pre-Reception, ensuring a smooth transition for our little learners. The majority of our children enter Reception working beyond national expectations, a testament to our nurturing and engaging environment.


What Makes Our Reception Special?

  • Smooth Transition: Moving from Nursery to Reception is seamless, with our children often exceeding national expectations.
  • Theme-based Learning: Each term, our learning is carefully planned around captivating themes that go above and beyond the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum requirements.
  • Prime and Specific Areas: Our curriculum focuses on the 7 areas identified by EYFS, emphasising the 3 prime areas of communication, physical development, and personal, social, and emotional development, along with 4 specific areas of literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design.

Engaging Learning Opportunities:

  • Daily Phonics: Tailored daily phonics support for each child to enhance their individual learning.
  • Dynamic Teaching: Whole class teaching introduces and consolidates learning, followed by small focused groups to ensure optimal progress.
  • Guided and Independent Activities: Engaging, practical, and fun activities cater to both guided and independent learning opportunities.

Fun in Learning:

  • Choice and Variety: Children choose their learning activities from a range, including junk modelling, writing, math, role play, and more.
  • Outdoor Learning: Daily access to outdoor learning spaces where resources change to align with our themes, keeping children motivated and inspired.

Writing Adventures:

  • Cursive Handwriting: Introduction to cursive handwriting three times a week, using various tools for a multi-sensory experience.

Learning Journeys and ‘Wows’:

  • Documenting Progress: Every child has a Learning Journey, showcasing both teacher-led and self-initiated activities, complemented by a ‘Ready to Write’ book and an Art Sketchbook.
  • Parent Involvement: Parents contribute ‘Wows’ for small milestones, fostering a sense of achievement and positive reinforcement.

Keeping You Informed:

  • Regular Feedback: Parents receive regular feedback on academic performance through parents’ evenings, mid-year targets, and comprehensive end-of-year reports.

Specialist Teaching:

  • Specialist Teaching: In addition to the core curriculum, Reception children enjoy PE lessons, two music lessons, and one French lesson weekly, enhancing their overall learning experience.
  • Art: Practise skills and techniques building up to a piece of artwork linked to the termly artist focus, such as metal work in the style of Joanne Tinker or black and white in the style of Maurits Escher.
  • Drama opportunities: The children participate in class assemblies and perform in our Christmas and Summer productions.

Exciting School Trips:

  • Exciting School Trips: At least one visit per term, along with local field trips, enriches their understanding of topics studied.

After School Clubs:

  • Diverse Opportunities: From Rugby and Tennis to Art, Science Stars, and Yoga, our after-school clubs offer a range of activities for Reception children.

At St Christopher’s, we believe in making learning an exciting adventure, setting the stage for a lifetime of curiosity and growth. Join us, and let the journey of discovery unfold!

Welcome to Year One at St Christopher’s: Where the Learning Adventure Continues!

As our vibrant learners transition from Reception to Year One, we ensure a seamless shift by providing opportunities for them to meet their new teachers and explore the Year One classrooms. The exchange of detailed information between Reception and Year One teachers ensures a smooth handover of each child’s learning journey. To keep parents well-informed, a transition meeting is organised at the beginning of the autumn term, shedding light on curriculum changes and Year One expectations.

The Year One Learning Experience:

  • Engaging Topics: Our Year One curriculum is crafted around exciting termly topics, creating an immersive learning experience across all subjects.
  • Rapid Progress: Teachers plan engaging lessons where children make rapid progress in literacy, numeracy, and other subject areas. Key skills are discreetly woven into core subjects like English and Maths.
  • Personalised Learning: With small class sizes, teachers continually track and monitor each child’s progress, tailoring learning experiences to individual needs. Whether it’s providing a boost in specific areas or extending challenges, every child’s learning journey is uniquely supported.
  • SENCO Support: Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) works closely with class teachers and the Deputy Headteacher to plan and deliver tailored programs for some children who are identified as needing a small boost in a specific area.

Subjects Taught by Class Teachers:

  • Literacy (Reading, Writing, Handwriting, Speaking and Listening, Spelling, and Phonics)
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Computing
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • Personal, Social, Health, and Education (Including Relationships and Health)

Technology in Learning: Each class is equipped with iPads, enhancing learning across the curriculum. Tailored apps linked to topics or key objectives enrich lessons and provide extension challenges. iPads are also utilised by the children for research and creative presentations.

Subjects Taught by Specialist Teachers:

  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • French
  • Art and Design

Enriching Experiences:

  • School Trips: Year One students enjoy at least one educational visit each term, complementing their studies. Visitors, such as dentists or animal experts, enhance topics throughout the year.
  • Mathletics Fun: Mathletics, an internet-based home learning tool, develops key mathematical skills. Certificates earned are celebrated in weekly assemblies.
  • A Love of Reading: Guided Reading groups and 1:1 reading with the class teacher are weekly highlights. Reading books are changed daily, encouraging evening reading with parents.

Parental Engagement:

  • Regular Feedback: Parents receive regular updates on academic performance through parents’ evenings, mid-year targets, and comprehensive end-of-year reports.
  • Performance: Year One students participate in lively assemblies and showcase their talents in Christmas and Summer productions, fostering confidence and collaboration.

After School Clubs:

  • A variety of clubs, from Martial Arts and Mini Cricket to Art and I-Pad Fun, provide diverse opportunities for Year One pupils each term.

LAMDA Lessons:

  • Year One pupils have the opportunity to enrol in weekly LAMDA lessons with our specialist teacher, in a small group format. This is a fantastic way for children to gain confidence and skills for life.

At St Christopher’s, Year One continues the dynamic adventure in learning, exploration, and growth.

Year Two: Nurturing Leaders, Fostering Excellence

At St Christopher’s, the transition from Year One to Year Two is seamless, ensuring a smooth journey for our pupils. Opportunities to meet new teachers, explore Year Two classrooms, and detailed handovers between Year One and Year Two teachers set the stage for a vibrant learning experience.

Key Features:

  • Transition Meeting: Parents are invited to an essential transition meeting, offering insights into curriculum changes and Year Two expectations and details about the 7+ process. This is held during the summer term before their child begins this exciting journey.
  • Unique Roles and Responsibilities: Every Year Two child is bestowed with special roles and responsibilities, fostering maturity, independence, and a caring awareness of others. From Head Boy and Girl to House Captains and Music Captains, our students embody the hallmarks of St Christopher’s excellence.

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Engaging Topics: Year Two curriculum revolves around termly topics, creating an immersive learning experience across all subjects.
  • Rapid Progress: Teachers plan exciting lessons where children rapidly progress in literacy, numeracy, and other areas. Key skills are discreetly taught, especially in core subjects like English and Maths.
  • Personalised Learning: With small class sizes, teachers track and monitor each child’s progress, ensuring personalised learning experiences. Identified children receive tailored support or extension work, facilitated by our dedicated SENCO.

Subjects Taught by Class Teachers:

  • Literacy (Reading, Writing, Handwriting, Speaking and Listening, Spelling, and Phonics)
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • Personal, Social, Health, and Education (Including Relationships and Health)

Technology in Learning: A set of iPads enhances learning across the curriculum. Specific apps linked to topics or objectives enrich lessons and serve as research tools.

Subjects Taught by Specialist Teachers:

  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • French
  • Art and Design
  • Computing
  • Future Leaders Programme

Enriching Experiences:

  • School Trips: Year Two students go on at least one educational visit per term, to enhance knowledge of the current topic they are studying.
  • Residential Trips: A highlight for Year Two is their overnight stay at Juniper Hall Field Study Centre near Dorking, fostering team building and scientific explorations of mini-beasts with practical investigations and fun.
  • Mathletics Fun: An internet-based home learning tool, Mathletics, develops key mathematical skills. Certificates earned are celebrated in weekly assemblies.

Literacy Enrichment:

  • A Love of Reading: Guided Reading groups and 1:1 reading time foster a lifelong love of reading. Children choose their own books and are encouraged to read with parents.

Future Leaders Programme:

  • A unique weekly lesson with Mrs Grehan, engages children in activities promoting leadership skills, collaboration, problem-solving, debate, teamwork, and public speaking.

Parental Engagement:

  • Regular Feedback: Parents receive regular updates on academic performance through parents’ evenings, mid-year reports with targets, and comprehensive end-of-year reports.

Performance and Music Exploration:

  • Year Two students lead events throughout the year and play lead roles in Christmas and Summer productions, aiding their development in confidence, articulation, and collaboration.
  • All Year Two children have the opportunity to learn an instrument, performing what they’ve learned in termly Music Concerts. Piano players outside school are also invited to showcase their talents.

After School Clubs:

  • A wide range of clubs, from Football and Tennis to Origami and Orchestra, provides diverse opportunities for Year Two pupils every term.

In Year Two at St Christopher’s, where excellence, and joy in learning converge!