

Every morning we arrive at school at 8:30 promptly ready to find out about the activities and events that the day will bring. If it is a Monday or Friday it means Music with Mrs Mulhern and if it is a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday it will mean sport with Mrs Pryor.


Registration at 8:35 is fun. Mrs Russell finds different ways each morning for us to sign in. Sometimes we answer in French and sometimes we answer with our favourite colour. I like the Interactive Whiteboard Register game where we locate the letters of our name. It is always nice to hear our friend’s special news particularly if it is your birthday.


At 8:40am the whole school stops for phonics which is where we play games to practise matching letters and their sounds. This skill helps with our reading when we blend the sounds together and our writing when we sound out the letters in each word.


We love science lessons. There is always a practical part to each lesson and then we sometimes have diagrams to label or an experiment to record. Learning about Growth is fascinating. We have enjoyed growing runner beans and our own tomato plants. I can’t wait for them to grow so that we can eat them!


Playtimes are great fun. The bell is rung at 10:40 and we race out to join our friends. You are never lonely at St Christopher’s because if you would like someone to play with and you are feeling ‘blue’ then all you have to do is sit on the Blue Bench in the playground and our Blue Bench Monitors come and join you up with a game or just play with you themselves. We can play on the field, the tennis courts or in the Trim Trail.


Maths is never dull. Sometimes we look at shape and measure, sometimes we study clocks and sometimes we have fun with numbers. There are so many ways to improve your maths skills and playing with a partner is wonderful. We can’t wait to try for our times table badges when you can earn a Bronze, Silver or Gold Star.


We are lucky enough to have our own Art Specialist who helps teach us new processes. We have learnt about metalwork and made some jewelled models and we especially enjoy clay work and so we take home some lovely finished models. I like making felt by rubbing strands of merino wool together to get some vibrant and colourful sheets of felt.


At 12:00 it is lunch time for Nursery and Reception. In Years 1 and 2 we have an extra 20 minutes of work before the bell rings at 12:20pm. We love Mrs Waite's home cooked meals and we always look at the menu each week so that we can anticipate each day. There will always be a roast, a pasta dish and a fish dish on the menu each week but we have to wait to see what the catering team have chosen. If you demonstrate good manners and are a super helper you might be awarded the Lunchtime Superstar weekly certificate.

School Council

Each year we vote for our own class representative for the School Council. This year I was chosen and I go to meetings held in the lunch hour and talk about ways that we could make our school even better! We also help to organise events that will raise money for the chosen charity. Last year we were fundraising for Casey Children's Ward at Epsom Hospital to buy an interactive magic carpet.

Every Day is Different

We have a weekly timetable and enjoy Maths and Literacy every day. I love writing stories and Mrs Russell is really pleased with my reading. You never know which areas you are going to study in Maths. Sometimes it is all about adding and subtracting and I love playing the Number Bonds games. Sometimes it is all about time or shape and measure. There are always practical games to play as well as recording our results. Science is also something we do every day and this often links up with our topic which changes each term.

Specialist teachers

Monday: Music
Tuesday: Sport
Wednesday: Sport, Art, IT
Thursday: French, Sport
Friday: Music


School finishes at 3:15pm and we head off to clubs or our After School Club. I am in the orchestra and we meet on Friday. I also go to Art Club, Cookery Club and Spanish. My friend loves Rugby Club the best.

The Clubs change each term. Here are some examples of our wonderful choices:

Mini-Cricket, Football, Tennis, Netball, Cookery, I-Pad Fun, Orchestra, Violin, Art, Science, Yoga, Origami, Rugbytots and Musical Theatre.