
Your school, your children, your PTA

The St Christopher’s PTA is a registered charity run by parent volunteers.

At St Christopher’s, the PTA play an active role in the life of the school, and it’s all for the benefit of you and your children. Fundraising has resulted in some wonderful additions to school resources and enhancements to our environment.

Putting the ‘fun’ into fundraising

A packed calendar of events not only raises funds but creates a sociable environment and close-knit parent community in our school. Coffee mornings and monthly evening meetings, are well attended, lively, fun opportunities to catch up and meet other parents.

Events over the Year

Summer Fair – from a traditional summer fair to a garden party and picnic, our summer event features stalls, games, face-painting, raffle and a wonderful country dancing display by the children.

Christmas Fair – is your one stop Christmas shop for seasonal gifts for family and friends. Not only is there plenty of shopping to be done, fun games for the children, plus a magical treat for all children to enjoy.

Quiz night – a somewhat competitive quiz and lots of laughs. Held in the school hall the first Friday of February it’s definitely a night to remember!

Movie night – children enjoy a real treat as they turn up on a Friday early evening in their PJs, with cuddly toys and cushions, to watch a movie with their friends and enjoy popcorn and a drink.

Children’s discos – a chance to put their groovy moves on show, our children’s discos held twice a year incorporate games, dance-offs and indoor bubbles.

Annual Ball – a glamorous event for the grown-ups featuring dinner, dance, photobooth and raffle this is a highlight in the calendar held in local, beautiful locations.

Easter Bunny Treat – The end of the Spring term is a wonderful time for the children to hunt for Easter eggs and have a special visit from our very own Easter bunny.

Treat day – twice a year at the end of half term, volunteer bakers bring in cakes for the children to buy as a delicious treat.

Family photo days – professional photographers available for one day for high quality family shoots at excellent prices.


All PTA events and purchases are booked via the new PTA Events Website. For this reason, all parents/carers are required to register on the PTA website to be able to book tickets for PTA led events. Please follow this link to register:

If you have any queries regarding registration for the PTA website, please email

Experiences & Items Purchased by the PTA in 2022/23

The strong support of the St Christopher’s community means we often raise a large amount of funds for the School. These funds are used to benefit children at St Christopher’s.

This year we have committed to supporting the following projects:

  • Filming of Year 2 Panto and Christmas and Summer Productions
  • Chinese New Year Dance Workshop
  • Classroom books in support of World Book Day
  • Farm on the Field
  • Support Wellbeing Week

Past PTA purchases have included the wonderful new wooden play equipment, large wooden sandpit, refurbishment of the bike area, Year 2 trip to Go-Ape, Lego robot kits, wicker pods for Nursery children, ice creams at the panto, new stage lighting and so much more.

Make a Difference 

We encourage as many of our parents as possible to get involved in the PTA. Aside from meetings and arranging the larger events, there are always opportunities to take on smaller, occasional tasks.  Helping out now and again is fun, rewarding and a brilliant opportunity to meet other parents.

You don’t have to be a committee member to contribute. Please get in touch with us should you have any ideas or time to spare. There are lots of opportunities for you to get involved.


Registered Charity no: 1206169