
We are very proud of our smart school uniform that not only gives pupils a strong sense of identity but also connects them to our rich heritage dating back to 1938.

Ensuring that children wear the correct attire without exceptions is key to upholding high standard of our uniform.

Below are full details of uniform requirements for the Nursery and main School.


Boys Girls
Cap – grey flannel with embroidered badge Hat – grey with band
Tie – blue with grey and gold stripe Tunic – grey with embroidered badge
Shirt – long sleeve blue
Shorts – grey knee length
Blouse – blue, revere collar with long sleeves
Pullover – petrol blue with logo Cardigan – petrol blue with logo
Blazer – grey with embroidered badge

Socks – grey 3/4 length with coloured bands

Tights – grey
Fleece – navy with logo
Rainproof coat – navy with logo
Overall – blue check smock (Years 1&2 only)
PE bag*- navy cotton with school logo
Woollen Hat – with logo
School Scarf*
Winter Coat – navy no logos – optional
Gloves – navy – optional
Summer Term
Straw Boater – with band
Blue short sleeved shirt – without tie School dress – tartan
Short grey cotton socks Plain white, ankle or ¾ length socks
Sun hat with logo
Winter – Black – sensible buckle or Velcro (no slip-on)
Summer – Black – sensible buckle or Velcro (no open toe or slip-on)
PE Kit – Reception-Year 2
Polo shirt with logo (house colour)
PE shorts – navy cotton
Sweatshirt with logo
Joggers – navy
All Year – Black Trainers
House T-Shirt*
Nursery and Pre-Reception Uniform
Sweatshirt – navy with logo
Polo shirt – white with logo (house colour)
Joggers or girls may wear a navy tunic with logo and knee length navy socks.
Fleece lined Navy Anorak with logo
Waterproof jacket and trousers (Navy)
Shorts – navy
Socks – navy
Sun hat with logo
Woollen hat with logo
School Bag* – navy cotton with school logo and child’s named embroidered
House T-Shirt*
Please also provide the following items for your Nursery & Pre-Reception Child:
Shoes – sensible buckle or velcro – black or navy (not sandals)
Pair of wellington boots

Our uniform outfitters are Stevensons, please visit their retail shop in Epsom or order online

* Items should be ordered from the school office or via your ParentMail account link.


The St Christopher’s Parents’ Teachers’ Association (PTA) holds termly second-hand uniform sales, a range of good quality uniform is available.

They will be holding their next sale at the School, on Wednesday 20th March 2024.