A Visit to the Hospital
27th January 2023
In December Year 2 sang at the Ashley Centre to raise money for the Epsom Medical Equipment Fund (EMEF). The Paediatric Outpatient Unit at Epsom General Hospital had requested an ultrasound echocardiograph machine as their existing one was nearing the end of its life. Our Year 2’s beautiful singing has helped reach the target funds which has enabled the EMEF to purchase this equipment. Dr Adam Carter was overjoyed when the machine arrived and this week he was full of joy and excitement as he shared what it can do and how it will benefit babies and children by speeding up the investigations so treatment can begin. Our Deputy Head boy and girl represented St Christopher’s at the presentation along with children from other local schools. They met Dr Carter, saw the new machine and learnt about how it works, became doctors themselves by using a stethoscope to listen to each other’s heart beats and they found out some interesting facts about the heart.