What a busy half-term!

The last few weeks have flown by, and we can hardly believe that we are already at the end of our first half
term in Reception!

We marked this milestone in style, and we couldn’t be prouder of how the children performed their song and poem in our harvest festival. As part of our harvest festival celebrations, we delved into different types of vegetables and where they come
from. We even had the opportunity to dig up some vegetables in our school garden! It was great fun identifying
the disguised vegetables, like the corn on the cob hiding in its green jacket. We set up our own green grocer’s
shop where the children used both bucket and digital scales to compare the weight and sizes of various

In addition to the harvest festival, we continued to celebrate Black History Month with an African drumming
workshop. We also had the pleasure of exploring the fascinating character of Anansi, often represented by a
spider, who is associated with stories of wisdom, knowledge, and trickery in Akan folklore. The children used
Anansi as inspiration for their spider fact writing!

Another highlight was our autumn walk, where we went on a hunt for conkers, acorns, and leaves. The
children had a wonderful time using these natural resources to both explore and create patterns in the