Inspection Reports
Our values of excellence, empathy and endeavour have shone through in our recent inspection.
We are very pleased to announce that St Christopher’s School and Nursery has been deemed “excellent” in all areas following our recent regulatory compliance and educational quality inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
A team of three inspectors visited St Christopher’s over three days in June 2023 and have produced the report which is in two parts.
The regulatory compliance inspection focuses on the schools’ compliance with standards on safeguarding, health and safety, suitability of staff, provision of information, handling of complaints and leadership and found that the school met all the standards in the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 and associated requirements and was fully compliant in all areas.
The educational quality inspection focuses on two key areas – the achievement of pupils’ including their academic development and the quality of pupils’ personal development, from Nursery to Year 2 we were found to be excellent. We have included some highlights below.
To read the report in full, please click on the button below.
“Pupils of all ages acquire knowledge, skills and understanding at an excellent rate in response to diligently resourced and planned activities, coupled with the outstanding encouragement that they receive from their teachers.”
“Pupils develop outstanding oracy and written skills, which they successfully apply to other areas of learning.”
“Pupils make excellent progress throughout the school. By the time they reach Year 2, they achieve at high levels compared with pupils of the same age nationally, because of a carefully planned broad and challenging curriculum in line with the school’s aims, together with highly effective teaching.”
“Pupils are highly successful in their achievements outside the curriculum and are supported by the specialist teaching and coaching they receive in music, art and sporty.”
“Pupils show an excellent appreciation of, and respect for, the diversity within the school community.”
“Pupils demonstrate their excellent public speaking, acting and singing skills through many performance opportunities… the quality of singing observed was outstanding.”
“Pupils make a very strong and positive contribution to each other’s lives at school because teachers and leaders place great value on them acquiring a sense of responsibility from a young age. They are enormously proud of their school and demonstrate great willingness to be involved in the wider aspects of community life.”
Our previous ISI reports can be found below, to read, please click on the buttons below.