We’re Going On A Bear Hunt- Foundation Rotation
14th March 2018
What a wonderful morning our Nursery, Pre-Reception and Reception children have had exploring a range of activities in mixed groups, all linked to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. The children began in the hall to listen, watch and join in with Michael Rosen narrating the story. Then they were put into mixed themed groups, such as snow or cave with siblings across the year groups put into the same group.
The adventures than began with each group starting at a different activity. Over the morning the children did drama using a range of props, made a shaker to scare a bear, woke the bears on a fun and active obstacle course, explored mud with worms, made and ate open bear sandwiches with honey and banana, created bear hunt story maps with a range of resources and explored bear hunt small world!!!! Wow what a fun and busy morning had by all. Do ask your children to tell you their favourite part of these wonderful learning