A Terrific Team
20th May 2018
According to some statistics we spend a third of our life at work. It is a salutary thought because if you find yourself in a job you don’t like or with a workforce that don’t gel together then the impact on your life can be significant.
I am very lucky. As readers of this Blog will know, I have a job that I love and a group of staff that I can only describe as a ‘Terrific Team’. Each member of Staff brings with them a wealth of experience in their own role as well as life experiences that they can draw from. That means that when a problem or initiative arises, we have a wonderful pool of solutions or enhancement to draw upon and the results are awesome.
It takes a big and talented team to run a school. The key to success at St Christopher’s is the ability for each member of staff to have exceptional skills in their own field of expertise at the same time as being able to show flexibility and imagination when it comes to making our children’s experiences as rich as they can be. The fundamental quality required at our school is energy!
I am deeply impressed with the level of support that our Staff offer to each other. When one member of staff has an idea that idea is brought to life and then embellished by the whole team. Accordingly we have been able to realise some pretty amazing dreams and our annual ‘Great Read Competition’ due to take place next Thursday is just one example of this collaborative success. What started as an inter-school reading competition to inspire children’s love of reading has become an opportunity to immerse children in scenes from a chosen book as the Hall becomes a magical film set that fires up children’s imaginations and expands their literary worlds.
On Friday we had a notion to celebrate a certain Royal Wedding and the Staff agreed to wear red, white and blue. As the idea rolled it gathered momentum and our lucky children ended up with a real garden party, complete with a party lunch, a Royal couple, the Handbells Club serenading the Royal couple and a whole school spontaneous dance. All the Staff joined in and smiled their way through the day as the sun shone down and I thought not for the first time just how lucky I am.
Annie Thackray