Careers and Kidzania
7th February 2019
Our Year 2 children could not have worked any harder than they have to date and accordingly they deserved a treat. During the 7+ process we talk about future career dreams and aspirations and it is good to use this information with a purpose. Kidzania is an incredible place in London that offers a rich range of career experiences all under one roof. Added to that the maths lessons generated by this trip were invaluable as our children learnt about paying for experiences and also earning from other experiences all carefully devised around the Kidzania currency ‘Kidzos’. Grouped together not with friends but with peers with like minded career aspirations our happy children embarked on a day full of fun and challenge. Chefs, Paramedics, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Vets, Engineers and Musicians to name but a few got involved in some truly extraordinary opportunities as our photo gallery will confirm.