Turrets and Tiaras
18th September 2017
Our Mars and Neptune children have started their Reception journey brilliantly with their first topic about castles, knights, dragons and royals. It is called Turrets and Tiaras. Already the children have enjoyed dressing up and using our castle role-play areas inside, and they had great fun using our den making kits outside to construct a dragon’s cave. We also had a super building site outside where a castle was carefully constructed following the children’s drawn plans. Just as much enjoyment was had when knocking the castle walls down!! Jewels and crystals have been discovered in the sand and small world castles, which were then counted and matched with numbers. We have used bead strings, number lines and Numicon to demonstrate our understanding of numbers. After reading the story ‘The Paperbag Princess’ by Robert Munsch, the children have created their own paper bag princes and princesses. They then wrote labels for their work. This week the children will be writing cards as Prince Ronald to say sorry to the princess. Do read the book at home to find out why………..