Happy 80th birthday St Christopher’s School
3rd May 2018
Yesterday we had a fabulous House Day with the theme being 80 to celebrate St Christopher’s 80th year! We did a whole range of activities linking to 80, beginning with the children bringing 80 objects into school. The children counted in ones, twos, fives and tens, compared and measured using their objects. The whole school turned themselves into a giant 80 and our House Challenge was to design and build what St Christopher’s School will be like in 80 years. The children impressed with their imagination and creativity. A host of exciting learning opportunities took place over the day including measuring 80ml of liquid into a range of containers, cutting 80cm lengths of paper, using Numicon to understand 80, making number biscuits, chalking a giant number 80, painting and decorating the number 80 and seeing how many times they could write their name in 80 seconds! A fun and exciting day was had by all.